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  • Quaternary geomorphology in tectonically active areas with emphasis in fluvio-coastal processes /

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ISBN/ISSN:(paperback) :

科图号:515.2 222

题名:Quaternary geomorphology in tectonically active areas with emphasis in fluvio-coastal processes / edited by Niki Evelpidou and Kosmas Pavlopoulos.

出版项:Stuttgart : Gebrüder Borntraeger 2013.

载体形态:137 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.

丛编:Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie = Annals of geomorphology = Annales de géomorphologie : a journal recognized by the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG). neue Folge, volume 57, supplementary issue 3 Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. neue Folge ; v. 57, supplementary issue 3.

附注:Includes bibliographical references.

内容附注:Editorial / N. Evelphidou and K. Pavlopoulos -- Hydrogeomorphological vulnerability in the Romanian plain / F. Grecu, L. Zaharia and C. Ghiţǎ -- Morphological analysis and related volcanic features of the Kolumbo submarine volcanic chain (NE of Santorini Island, Aegean Volcanic Arc) / P. Nomikou, S. Carey, K.L. Croff Bell, D. Papanikolaou, K. Bejelou, M. Alexandri, K. Cantner and J. Fero Martin -- Comments on the neotectonics of the coastal zone of western Messenia based on luminescence dating and geoarchaeological evidence / C. Athanassas, I. Fountoulis, I. Mariolakos, Y. Bassiakos, Z. Karotsieris, M. Triantaphyllou and K. Theodorakopoulou -- Automated identification of geomorphological and topographical features of the seabed by object based image analysis of digital terrain models / K. Siakavara and D. Argialas -- Reconstruction of modern debris flow activity in the arctic environment with the use of dwarf shrubs (southwestern Spitsbergen) -- a new dendrochronological approach / P. Owczarek, A. Latocha, M. Wistuba and I. Malik -- Shoreline displacement and Pineios River diversions in NW Peloponnese (Greece) as result of the geology, active tectonics and human activity during the last 100 ky / I. Fountoulis, S. Mavroulis, E. Vassilakis and K. Papadopoulou-Vrynioti -- Exploring the Avyssos-Yali-Strogyli submarine volcanic complex at the eastern edge of the Aegean Vocanic Arc / P. Nomikou, K.L. Croff Bell, D. Papanikolaou, I. Livanos and J. Fero Martin.

附加责任者:Evelpidou, Niki, Pavlopoulos, Kosmas,

附加题名:Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. N.F., 57 (Supplementary issue 3).

  • Fluvial geomorphologySubmarine volcanoesGeology
  • StratigraphicQuaternary.GreecePeloponnesus (Peninsula)GreecePeloponnesus (Peninsula)

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